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访谈嘉宾:谢恩——新航道雅思口语主讲,新托福口语讲师,TKT教师资格证书持有者。从事高校英语专业听说教学长达十年之久,多次教学竞赛获奖,并多次指导学生参加CCTV 全国英文演讲大赛及爱立信杯演讲大赛获奖。坚持以语言文化观指导教学,将大量精彩真实的中西文化案例融入课堂,治学态度严谨认真,授课风格风趣洒脱,英语发音清晰纯正,教学手段多元化。
回答:The speaking test lasts for 11-14 minutes, including
4-5 minuets for Part I Introduction and Interview
3-4 minutes for Part II Individual Long Turn
4-5 minutes for Part III Deep discussion
问题2. 回答部分的时候,答多少才合适?
回答:Many students think that there’s a so-called ‘standard’ for the length of the answer for each part.Well, the truth is----- there is not. This first section gives the examiner the chance to find out a little about you through some simple 'getting-to-know-you' questions. These will be questions that you'll have something to talk about such as your family, where you come from and what your interests are. This is also YOUR chance to get off to a good start! So Talk as much as you can!
回答:You may have problems understanding a question. The simple answer is: ask for clarification. If it was a word or phrase you didn't quite understand just say something on the lines of:
"Sorry but could you explain what you mean by ........"
"Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say that again?"
"Excuse me. Could you repeat that?"
And if you're looking for clarification ask the interviewer to confirm what you think was asked:
"Do you mean ........"
回答:In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking exam ,you'll be a given a minute to prepare what you want to say, then you have to speak for between 1 and 2 minutes on a set topic based on information on a card the examiner will give you.
问题5. 我怎么控制第二部分的答题时间?
回答:Remember that IELTS Speaking Part 2 is not a prepared speech.So the examiner does not really expect you to give a perfect speech that lasts exactly 2 minuets.But it usually makes the candidates feel better if they can finish what they want to say.The best way to get the timing right is to practise making short talks on various topics on your own within 2 minutes. And remember, we often feel nervous when presenting and this can often lead to us speaking too quickly. Try not to rush. Regular pauses between sentences will help you control the pace of your talk and the examiner will find it easier to follow what you're saying.
回答:In Part 3 of the IELTS interview, which lasts between 4-5 minutes, you will participate in a discussion with the examiner based on the topic in Part 2. The examiner is likely to ask you questions based on your experience or opinion of the subject.In this part, the examiner has more freedom when asking questions, for example, they may make up some questions of their own based on what your answers to the previous questions are
问题7. 请问我该如何纠正自己容易犯的错误?
回答:If you realized you’ve made grammatical or language mistakes while you were talking, self-correction is a good way of showing the examiner that you're aware of having made a mistake. However, don't go crazy trying to correct each and every error! Remember, you should also be demonstrating your fluency skills as well. Monitoring your speech TOO closely and self-correcting every mistake will slow you down and make you sound rather hesitant.
问题8. 如果我去一个不那么热门的考点考试,会不会得到一个高一点的分数呢?
回答:Many candidates choose to go to remote places in order to avoid popular exam venues like Wuhan, Beijing and Shanghai, hoping a less popular exam venue will bring them high scores.Well, the answer is ----Not necessarily.It all depends on the individual examiner and what your performance is like during the whole speaking test.But if you do have an option, I’d suggest you to choose somewhere other than your hometown,so that when you do tell the examiner about your hometown, he may be more interested in what you are saying.
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