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5月对于雅思口语考试而言,是一年中的第二个换题季. 这意味着本年,第二次口语话题的更新. 纵观本月5场雅思口语考试,口语话题更新频率和往年大体上一致为32%. 但由于1月已经出现一部份新话题,现在加上5月后新增话题的改变. 雅思口语考试整体新话题量也就自然而然的变多,在2013年有过备考经历的考生们拿到现在口语机经的时候会发现对很多口语话题很陌生. 下面我们就拿实例来具体分析一下5月雅思口语变化以及口语考试上半年总结.
Part 1新加入的话题:
Cars, Concentrating, Gifts, Maps, Museums, Noise, Parks, Street Markets, Toys, Weather.
Being Busy, Bicycles, Games, History, Internet, News, Politeness, Relatives, Schools, Singing, Sunshine, Walking.
在part1题库当中,出现了比重相当大的老题轮换,例如 Museum, Food, Weather, Neighbors, Cars, Gifts, Concentration. 另外Noise 这个话题时隔两年, 重归题库。意义上的新题在part1当中有map,但难度反倒不是太大。 考生需特别留意 Cars, Weather这类的对话题核心词汇要求较多的话题。譬如要熟悉一些不同车型,不同天气类型的这些对词汇评分有益的表达方式.
在上一周期(1-4月)中属于新题的Dictionary , Train,Language, Rain, Animal等话题由原本属于中低频, 但近期呈逐渐上升上升趋势. 其中rain,和animal这样的话题很容易回答得千篇一律,考生需要考虑怎样让答案更加个性化. 毕竟, 内容的个性化和口语的提分是息息相关的, 实际上也是考生在备考当中的一个重要出发点. Part1目前仍然在考的经典老题中也不乏这样的例子, 譬如Music(可以考虑在答题时涉及一些更具体的或小众的音乐类型,譬如indie rock, reggae ,而不要开口只会说pop, or light music ), Leisure Time 等等. 考生可根据自身情况做相应的精细准备.
Part 2新加入的话题:
Describe a place in the world that you would like to travel to at the first time.
Describe a city that you have visited.
Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home.
Describe a school you have attended in your childhood.
Describe a friend who you had at school.
Describe someone you know who has an interesting job.
Describe a neighbor you ever helped.
Describe a family member who you spend the most time with.
Describe a famous person (still living), not from your country, who you would like to meet.
Describe something that you have shared with others.
Describe something you bought but don’t use often.
Describe something special you brought home from a holiday.
Describe a problem with equipment that you can’t solve.
Describe your first mobile phone.
Describe a good law in your country.
Describe a foreign film you enjoyed.
Describe a kind of flower that you like.
Describe another language (in addition to English and your own language) that you would like to learn.
Describe a family celebration (such as wedding) that you attended.
Describe a game (not about sport) you enjoyed when you were a child.
Describe a success your friend has had that you are proud of.
Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.
Part2题库的变动幅度相对来说不算太大, 总量仍维持在50个话题卡左右.
人物类话题卡变动幅度不大, 新增两个轮换老题, School 和A Person with interesting job. 原本在考的国内名人稍作修改变成了国外名人, 答题思路不变, 难度也相对较低。 Intelligent Person相对来说难度较大一些, 虽然在题库当中已经存在了两个周期,但目前仍是重点。Comedian注意相关词汇,(譬如笑点, 夸张地表情,肢体语言).
地点类话题中新增A Beautiful Place where u want to have a home, 和A school u went to, 以及a city u visited. 其中安家之地和去过的城市 或老题旅游景点有很大的合并空间. 所以地点类话题也不足为惧。
媒体类题目中新增一直让考生头疼的轮换题, A good law再次出现. 从话题选材以及专业词汇的要求上难度较大. 可以考虑更多的结合大家的自身状况来谈. 具体在课上会进行讲解。也会在微博上有相应的范文参考。老题中,较为困难的 讨厌的电影, 讨厌的课程 考生也需要更加注意.
事件类话题中,新题 useful advice from others也是完全可以合并处理的话题, 但 A success your friend had需要精细地准备. 另外新出现的Magazine难度不大.
关于物品类话题,其中有如下新题需要留心: First Cellphone, A broken device, Something regret buying(don’t use very often), A kind of Flower. 其中flower不容小觑,很容易在素材篇幅上匮乏. 而几个产品类的话题有很大的合并空间.
如我们口语组上月考情所承诺的, 下面将所有 part 1 本月出现的所有新话题给出sample answer. 请各位考生务必认真阅读,可以适当成份的借鉴素材以及口语地道表达用法及词汇. 切忌不可直接背诵,抄袭,导致最后考试失败.
Do you think it’s important to concentrate?
Definitely. Being focused is quite crucial when there’re assignments to complete so that we can make the most of the time we have and guarantee the efficiency.
Do you it’s easy to concentrate?
I don’t think so. It’s part of our nature that we’ll be disturbed by anything distracting when trying to finish a task. In my opinion, it happens because we all have an attention span and get mentally stressed easily if we work on one thing for a long period of time.
What do you do to concentrate?
First of all, I’ll attempt to get rid of any interruption that makes me fail to concentrate. Specifically, I switch off my phone and close the window. Besides, i think it’s necessary to remind myself the thing I’m doing matters so much that we take it seriously.
Do you think it’s possible to do two things at the same time?
Generally speaking, it’s hardly possible to do two different things simultaneously since one of them is quite likely to be messed up. However, some of us might have the ability to kill two birds with one stone through painstaking training. A good case in point is that some musicians sing well while playing an instrument.
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